Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cityscapes-European Inspired

Students looked at cities like Paris, Florence & Moscow to compare the style of city they would create. We talked about the roof shapes, window styles and the way people live in a city compared to a smaller suburban town. We drew step by step breaking down each piece into shapes and worked front to back. We finished in tempera cakes, I do think watercolor would be a better option for next year. Fun and colorful!


  1. i love the way these came out. they look so full of life and movement. i'm a big fan of jean dubuffet's apartment houses so this idea helps to bring me a bit closer to my vision for a project.

  2. Hi, I was looking for a cityscape lesson that was once on a Sax catalog cover (which I cannot find) but I came across this one and think my students would enjoy it. I'm wondering if you have a lesson plan or more info that you might be able to send me. I am apollison at andoverregional. org. Thank you in advance!
